Seminar Mencari Titik Tengah Demokrasi: Antara Keamanan Nasional dan Kebebasan Sipil

Seminar Mencari Titik Tengah Demokrasi: Antara Keamanan Nasional dan Kebebasan Sipil

Depok, 30 Mei 2024 – Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia (DHI FISIP UI) telah mengadakan seminar dengan judul “Mencari Titik Tengah Demokrasi: Antara Keamanan Nasional dan Kebebasan Sipil” pada tanggal 30 Mei 2024. Kesihatan ini berlangsung dari pukul 13.30 hingga 16.00 WIB di Auditorium Ilmu Komunikasi dan menghadirkan sejumlah pembicara untuk mendiskusikan bagaimana mencari keseimbangan kebutuhan aparat untuk menjaga keamanan nasional dan memastikan hak-hak kebebasan masyarakat tetap terpenuhi dalam isu penggunaan spyware di Indonesia.

Broto Wardoyo, Ph.D., pengajar di Departemen HI, selaku moderator, membuka diskusi dengan memberikan gambaran singkat tentang bagaimana isu spyware dalam konteks keamanan nasional dan kebebasan sipil menjadi semakin relevan di tengah masyarakat. Dari sudut pandang regulator, Dr. Sulistyo, Deputi Bidang Keamanan Siber dan Sandi Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Manusia BSSN RI, memaparkan tentang pentingnya perlindungan data sebagai isu nasional.

Selanjutnya, Brigjen. Pol. I Made Astawa, Wakil Kepala Densus 88 AT Polri menjelaskan bahwa penyadapan yang dilakukan oleh Densus 88 merupakan salah satu instrumen penting dalam penanggulangan terorisme dan menegaskan bahwa prinsip utama dalam pelaksanaan penyadapan adalah menghormati hak-hak masyarakat sementara menjaga keamanan nasional. Dari sudut pandang jurnalis, Herik Kurniawan, Pemimpin Redaksi GTV sekaligus Ketua Ikatan Jurnalis Televisi Indonesia (IJTI), memaparkan peran media sebagai pilar keempat demokrasi dengan tantangan menghadapi regulasi yang membatasi pergerakan jurnalis. Mabda Haerunnisa Fajrilla Sidiq, peneliti di The Habibie Center, membahas visibilitas penggunaan siber sebagai alat surveillance dari perspektif keamanan siber.

Dr. A. J. Simon Runturambi, Ketua Program Studi Kajian Ketahanan Nasional SKSG UI, menggarisbawahi pentingnya reformasi intelijen untuk mengakomodasi kebebasan sipil tanpa mengganggu kewenangan institusi yang bertugas dalam menjaga keamanan nasional. Ali Abdullah Wibisono, Ph.D., pengajar Keamanan Internasional Departemen HI FISIP UI, menutup sesi dengan membahas secara mendalam landscape keamanan siber di Indonesia yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi unfinished nation building dan pentingnya menjawab pertanyaan fundamental: “Keamanan untuk siapa?” dan “Keamanan untuk apa?” –

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Graduate Study Program in the United States: Admission Process and Scholarship Opportunities

Graduate Study Program in the United States: Admission Process and Scholarship Opportunities

Depok, June 5, 2024 – The Department of International Relations at Universitas Indonesia recently hosted a mini workshop aimed at guiding students through the process of pursuing graduate studies, particularly PhD programs, in the United States. The workshop was presented by Dr. Christian C. Lentz, a distinguished academic with extensive experience in American higher education both as a former graduate student and a current member of an admissions team.

Dr. Lentz’s workshop was designed to provide aspiring PhD candidates with valuable insights and practical advice, drawing from his firsthand experiences. The session began by addressing the fundamental question: Why pursue a PhD in the US? Participants explored the numerous advantages, such as high-quality education, enhanced career opportunities, the chance for in-depth study, and the ability to conduct original research. The discussion also covered potential challenges, including the long duration of study (5-7 years), the demands of English-language instruction, and the highly competitive nature of these programs.

A significant portion of the workshop focused on the initial steps necessary to embark on this journey. Dr. Lentz emphasized the importance of identifying academic interests and long-term goals, selecting the appropriate research methodology (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods), and choosing the right discipline and theoretical framework. He highlighted the critical role of mentorship and provided detailed information on available resources, such as scholarships, Teaching Assistantships (TAships), and grants that support international students.

Choosing the right PhD program is a crucial step, and Dr. Lentz guided participants through the decision-making process. Students learned how to evaluate universities and departments based on their prestige, available resources, and specific program offerings. The session covered strategies for identifying potential professors who could serve on their advisory committee, as well as assessing the level of peer support and competition within each program. Dr. Lentz stressed the importance of making a strong initial contact with potential supervisors, advising students to express their interest and credentials succinctly in their first email, followed by inquiries about the professors’ availability for PhD supervision.

The workshop concluded with comprehensive guidance on the application process. Participants received tips on crafting a compelling Statement of Purpose (SOP), approaching letter writers for recommendations, and preparing a strong CV with writing samples. A detailed application timeline was provided, outlining key steps from initial outreach in August to beginning the visa process in April. The interactive sessions included practical exercises to help students identify suitable programs, draft introductory emails, and outline their SOPs.

Additionally, securing your own funding for a PhD, such as through the LPDP scholarship from the Indonesian government, can significantly enhance your chances of being accepted into US universities, as it reduces their financial burden. However, most PhD programs in the US offer financial assistance through departmental funding, although the specifics can vary from one state to another. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on understanding the application process and building connections with potential advisors to increase your chances of success in pursuing graduate studies in the US.
