Human Security in Counterterrorism: When More Than Rhetoric Is Critically Needed

Human Security in Counterterrorism: When More Than Rhetoric Is Critically Needed

Vol. I / No. 10 | October 2020

Ali Abdullah Wibisono (Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia)
Chaula Rininta Anindya (Independent Researcher on Counterterrorism)
Aisha Rasyidila Kusumasomantri (Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia and Independent Researcher on Terrorism issues.)


To what extent is human security relevant for terrorism and counterterrorism? Human security is rarely utilized as an operationalizing concept in terrorism studies, yet its basic tenets on individual security is relevant in understanding terrorism and counterterrorism approaches. This article argues that human security is useful to assess the government’s responses to terrorism due to the fact that terrorist networks have exploited individuals’ vulnerabilities to lure them to the network. The use of force alone is inadequate to neutralize the threats, human security will fill the missing pieces in counterterrorism to create a holistic approach.

Keywords: Human Security, Terrorism, Counterterrorism

Human Security in Counterterrorism: When More Than Rhetoric Is Critically Needed

Implementing Human Security Measures in the Cyberspace: Navigating through the Institutional and Regulatory Disarray

Vol. I No. 9 | June 2020

Darang S. Candra (Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia)
Broto Wardoyo (Senior Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia)

Cyberspace is the newest realm of human interactions that bring human security issues within its existence. Traditional security approaches would not suffice in tackling the threats and problems in the cyberspace as even the definition, regulation, and institution on cybersecurity are unclear and full of quarrels. A move toward agreeable conceptual understanding, especially towards comprehensive and non-traditional point of view, among stakeholders and crosssectoral cooperation between both state and non-state actors are needed to ensure human security measures are included in the discourse regarding the cyberspace.

Keywords: Cyberspace, Artificial Intelligence, Individual Security, Cybersecurity
