Vol. IV / No. 8 | December 2024

Marie Kwon, PhD Student, Chair Geopolitics of Risk, École Normale Supérieure of Paris, and the European Studies Unit, University of Liège (F.R.S.-FNRS).

This paper explores the resurgence of classical geopolitics in analyzing the Indo-Pacific amid the context of US-China rivalry. With its roots in German and Anglo-Saxon traditions, classical geopolitics remains central to contemporary formal discourses shaping the Indo-Pacific as a site of conflict. Despite critiques from critical geopolitics, realist frameworks and balance-of-power narratives continue to dominate, influenced by the historical legacy of classical geopolitical thinkers. This study examines the implications of this revival for the study of Asian regional space and highlights the need for critical engagement to uncover the power dynamics embedded in Indo-Pacific scholarship.

Keywords: Indo-Pacific, US-China Rivalry, Geopolitics, Balance-of-Power, Classical Theories
