Master Program

International Relations
FISIP Universitas Indonesia


Overview of Master’s Program International Relations Universitas Indonesia

Master’s Program in International Relations of the University of Indonesia has been established since 1999. With the vision, becoming the center of excellence in providing education and teaching in the field of International Relations at the level of Master’s Program possessing academic relevance or social relevance to the wider community at the national level as well as having competitiveness at the international level and being a leader in Southeast Asia, Master’s Program in International Relations is expected to be able to answer challenges and dynamics of international politics by possessing international standard administration of Master’s Program. Moreover, this vision is in line with the Strategic Plans of the University of Indonesia (Renstra UI), that is innovative, independent, inclusive, dignified and excellence in Southeast Asia and the world.

Master’s Program in International Relations is organized in 4 semesters with the credit course of 42 credits. Lectures in Master’s Program in International Relations use the Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) based on the Rector’s Decision of the University of Indonesia No. 583/SK/R/UI/2022. Master’s Program in International Relations takes a policy-oriented approach and bridges theory with application to policy by real international relations practitioners. The dynamic of the East Asian region has a big portion to follow the latest development in Indonesia’s strategic environment. There are 3 specializations or study concentrations which may be selected by the student, namely: International Security, International Political Economy, or Transnationalism. 


Being the center of excellence in providing education and teaching in the field of International Relations at the Master’s Program level possessing academic and social relevance to the wider community at the national level as well as having competitiveness at the international level and being excellence in Southeast Asia.


  • To equip the student with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional abilities in order to be able to compete in facing challenges and opportunities in the free market competition of the 21st century. 
  • To organize a quality, research-based teaching and learning process that constantly follows the dynamics of international relations. 
  • To develop a conducive academic atmosphere for the entire academic community to support teaching and learning and research while remaining based on the spirit of togetherness. 
  • To involve in developing a network that may support the improvement of the learning quality process and the competence of the teaching staff. 
Objectives of Study Program
  • Producing graduates of Master’s possessing high personal integrity, social awareness, professional work ethic, and leadership spirit. 
  • Producing graduates of Master’s possessing scientific analytical skills in the field of International Relations who can select and recommend solutions to various international relations phenomena and issues, as well as to prioritize Indonesia's interests in international relations. With this ability, the Master’s graduates of International Relations are expected to be able to play an active role in contributing to various international relations issues, especially those related to Indonesia's national interests from their various professions. 
  • To improve the quality of human resources for teachers, researchers and non-academic employees so that they work more professionally and productively and be able to compete in the globalization era by providing various opportunities to pursue higher levels of education and improving adequate levels of welfare.
Learning Outcomes of Master’s Program Graduates
  • Having ability to compare paradigm, theory, concept and methodology in International Relations (IR). 
  • Having ability to assess interactions between international actors influencing dynamics of International Relations (HI) in an innovative scientific study and according to academic ethics. 
  • Having ability to analyze the political, economic and socio-cultural (3D) dimensions influencing interactions between international actors at the global, regional, national, provincial and local (5G) levels. 
  • Having ability to conclude the relationship between political, economic and socio-cultural (3D) dimensions influencing interactions between actors at the global, regional, national, provincial and local (5G) levels. 
  • Having ability to assess the relationship between International Relations (HI) phenomenon and Indonesia's national interests. 
  • Developing social awareness, professional work ethic and leadership spirit. 
Master's Program Graduates Profile

Master’s in International Relations has ability to: 

  • Recommend solutions in the field of international relations by considering multi-dimensional (3D: political, economic and social) and multi-level (5G: Global, regional, national, local and individual) aspects and prioritize national interests in accordance with the Indonesian constitution; 
  • To evaluate the application of International Relations in various fields of life; 
  • And supporting high academic ethics, social awareness, professional work ethic, and leadership spirit. 

Curriculum Structure

Compulsory Study Program Course

* The numbers above are shown in credit unit

Compulsory Specialization Course

Optional Course

Total Study Load

Location & Lecture Times

Gedung Nusantara II

Faculty of social and Political Sciences 

Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Depok 

Monday – Friday

17.00 – 19.30 UTC+7  

BAN PT Accreditation Rank A

The International Postgraduate Students Conference

The International Postgraduate Students Conference (IPGSC) is a bi-annual event organized by the Postgraduate Study Program, Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia. Since 2018, IPGSC has focused on the mission of connecting postgraduate students from all over the world to provide the most outstanding scientific work ideas and publish them. IPGSC welcomes a variety of postgraduate students to participate in meaningful conversations about contemporary issues. IPGSC offers an opportunity for postgraduate students to think about the future of international relations


Domestic Student

Requirements for Domestic Student Admission

  • Having completed Bachelor’s degree (S1) in all fields of science.
  • Lulus ujian Seleksi Masuk Universitas Indonesia (SIMAK UI).
  • Submit research proposals, study plans and motivation letters to Secretariate of International Relations Master Program after being accepted based on the results of SIMAK UI 

      Tuition Fee

      Master’s Program in International Relations is taken within 4 semesters. Tuition fee is charged per semester with the following details:

      Tuition Fee Paid per semester Rp. 20.000.000 (SK Rektor UI Nomor. 798 SK/R/UI/2024)

      Components of Tuition fee

      Peserta Didik New Students (First Semester of the First Academic Year)  

      Tuition fee of the New Student in Parallel Bachelor Programs/S1, Extension Bachelor Programs/S1, Tuition fee for Master’s Programs/S2 and Doctoral Programs/S3 consist of:

      • Single Tuition fee (UKT) and
      • Development Fund (DP) 

        Second Semester onwards Students 

        Tuition fee for old students, from the second semester onwards until the student concerned is declared to have Passed or Dropped (Drop/Withdraw) for all study programs/specializations in all programs and levels of education, consisting of:

        • Single Tuition fee (UKT) and
        • Student Welfare and Facility Fund (DKFM) 

          SIMAK UI

          For more information regarding registration and selection exams for prospective domestic students, please visit the UI Admissions page (SIMAK UI).

          Facilities and Services

          In order to support the student learning process, Universitas Indonesia has provided a number of facilities in the campus area which are expected to meet student needs.

          Foreign Student

          Requirements for Foreign Student Admission

          Tuition Fee

          Master’s Program in International Relations is taken within 4 semesters. Tuition fee is charged per semester with the following details:

          • Tuition Fee (Paid per semester) : Rp. 46.000.000 

          UI International Admission

          For more information regarding registration and selection exams for prospective foreign students, please visit the UI International Admissions page.

          International Student Tuition Fee & Aplication Procedure

          For foreign students, other fees are charged apart from the Tuition fee. For information related to other fees, please visit International Student Tuition fee page.
