International Relations in The Anthropocene


The International Postgraduate Students Conference (IPGSC) is a bi-annual event organized by the Postgraduate Study Program, Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia. Since 2018, IPGSC has focused on the mission of connecting postgraduate students from all over the world to provide the most outstanding scientific work ideas and publish them. IPGSC welcomes a variety of postgraduate students to participate in meaningful conversations about contemporary issues. IPGSC offers an opportunity for postgraduate students to think about the future of international relations.

For our third IPGSC event this year, we will reflect on human challenges posed by the anthropocene epoch, which have been recently discussed in the context of international relations. Issues such as inequality, poverty, and famine are social consequences that cannot be addressed unilaterally. This problem appears in the interaction between developed and developing nations, the global governance framework, and the rights of vulnerable groups in the Anthropocene epoch. IPGSC 2023 aims to focus on exploring the connection between international relations and these critical issues under the main theme of “International Relations in The Anthropocene”.

Dr. Helena Varkkey


Associate Professor, University of Malaya

Dr. Adam Tyson


Associate Professor of Southeast Asian Politics, University of Leeds

Prof. Lena Rethel


Professor of International Political Economy, University of Warwick

Full Paper Submission Deadline








Key Dates


Abstract Submission

1 May – 14 July 2023


Selected Abstract Announcement

27 July 2023


Full paper submission

15 September

*Kindly refer to the “Full Paper Deadline Information” section

IPGSC 2023 conference

Workshop: 4 October 2023
Seminar & Parallel Session: 5 October 2023

Final submission for publication

20 October 2023



Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia





General Information

What is the International Postgraduate Students Conference (IPGSC)?

The International Postgraduate Students Conference (IPGSC) is a bi-annual event organized by the Postgraduate Study Program, Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia. Since 2018, IPGSC has aimed to connect postgraduate students worldwide and showcase their outstanding scientific ideas through publication. IPGSC will primarily focus on three clusters within International Relations: International Security, International Political Economy and Transnational Society

What is the theme of IPGSC 2023?

The IPGSC theme for this year is “International Relations in The Anthropocene”.

Why are there only 3 clusters in the conference?

The 3 clusters should be viewed as a framework within which various ideas can be classified. If you find that your idea does not fit into any of the three clusters, feel free to contact our secretariat and we will assist you promptly.

Who can take part?

Postgraduate students from anywhere are welcome to participate by submitting papers to IPGSC.

What are the sessions of the conference?

The conference will include:

  1. Seminar International Relations  – The seminar will be attended by expert speakers in the field of IR. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange information, knowledge, and experiences related to the topic. For more details regarding the speakers, please visit our IPGSC website.
  2. Workshop – Provides an opportunity for participants to enhance their understanding of their topics by discussing case studies within the broader conceptual and contextual framework of one of IR three clusters.
  3. Seminar Clusters – This seminar will feature expert speakers in specific clusters of IR (International Security, International Political Economy, and Transnational Society), providing participants with the opportunity to exchange information, knowledge, and experiences with a particular focus on the topic and cluster.
  4. Parallel Session – This session will provide an opportunity for all participants to present their research and engage in discussions about their knowledge and information.

What will be the outcome of the IPGSC 2023?

The outcomes of the IPGSC 2023 will include publication of participant’s articles either in conference book or as a special issue journal of Global: Jurnal Politik Internasional.

I am uncertain if I will be able to attend the conference in person. Is there an option to attend the conference online?

Please note that the conference will be conducted entirely in-person (offline at Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia). Hence, we kindly request you to submit proposals only if you intend to attend the conference in person.

How to contact the IPGSC’s secretariat?

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our secretariat at

About Submission

How do I submit a proposal for IPGSC?

For submission requirements and details about submitting an abstract online, please visit this link.

How many papers can I submit?

Kindly note that only one abstract submission per participant is allowed for the conference.

Can I send a paper that has been (or will be) presented at another conference?

Please note that submission of research that has already been presented elsewhere is not acceptable. The accepted submissions will be presented at the conference and may be published either in conference book or as a special issue of Global: Jurnal Politik Internasional.

How can I check the status of my submission?

We will inform you via email address provided during registration if your submitted abstract is accepted. Kindly ensure to keep track of our important key dates and deadlines.

Can I change the title of my proposal after it is submitted?

We will assess the feasibility and relevance of the changes of your paper. However, do not hesitate to contact us via email for any additional information. Please note that although your title may be subject to change, the content of your presentation must remain consistent with the abstract that has been accepted.

Is it possible for me to submit a paper as the main author and also submit another paper as a co-author at the same time?

Yes, you are able to submit a paper as the main author and also submit another paper as a co-author at the same time

If my abstract is accepted, would it be acceptable to submit the full paper after the deadline?

If your abstract is accepted, we highly recommend that you submit your full paper before the deadline. 

Sending your full paper ahead of the deadline will provide you with benefits such as free accommodation at Wisma Makara Universitas Indonesia. (Kindly refer to the “Full Paper Deadline Information” section).

Attending the Conference

How are the presentations scheduled?

Participants will be allowed to present their submitted research and knowledge during the ‘Parallel Session’ on the second day (5 October 2023). However, prior to their presentation, participants are required to attend the workshop on the first day (4 October 2023).

Is it possible for the participant to attend only on the day they are scheduled to present?

The sessions of the conference are designed to provide valuable insights and enhance understanding of the conference topics and clusters, which will benefit all participants, not just those presenting their research. We strongly encourage all participants to attend the conference each day in order to benefit fully from the experience.

Fee and Accommodation Information

What is the cost of registration or attendance for the participant?

The conference fee is free of charge. For the participant, it includes access to all conference sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunch and during the conference

Where will the participant’s accommodation be located?

We will provide accommodation for the participants at Wisma Makara Universitas Indonesia. In the event of any unforeseen circumstances or location changes, we will keep you informed of the latest updates.

Will participants be provided with transportation to and from the accommodation as well as the conference venue?

Unfortunately, we will not be providing transportation for the participants. However, you are welcome to bring your own vehicle or use the available public transportation options.

How can participants obtain the benefit of free accommodation?

Participants will be eligible for free accommodation if they are able to submit their full paper before the deadline. Therefore, we highly recommend that you submit the full paper by September 15, 2023.

Presenteantions (Technical)

What is the maximum duration for a participant’s presentation?

The session time will be equally distributed among all the presentations. You are allocated a 20 minute slot for your presentation (including technical error), however, we request that you keep your presentation within 15 minutes. It is recommended to aim for a duration of 15-18 minutes.

What equipment is available in presentation rooms?

We will provide information on the available equipment at the venue as soon as possible, prior to the conference day. However, you are welcome to bring your own laptop computer to use for your presentation. If you require a special cable or mains plug adapter, please bring your own as well.

If your question is not listed, please feel free to contact our secretariat via We will update the Q&A section based on the most frequently asked questions.
