Vol. I / No. 14 | December 2020
Annisa D. Amalia (Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia)
Saiti Gusrini ( Program Manager Democracy & Human Rights (EIDHR/ASEAN), EU Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam)
Shofwan Al-Banna Choiruzzad (Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia)
The debate on human security generally revolves around how multilateral and intergovernmental institutions formulate all kinds of initiatives, principles, guidelines to promote and protect human security and convince member states to adopt such agreements as well as conversation about the potential consequences for states by ratifying, or not ratifying certain agreements. In this increasingly heightened debate, non-state actors continue to assert their relevance. The role of business consultants in shaping human security-friendly corporate policies remains largely unheard but has become increasingly important. Through business assessments and advocacy of ‘profit, planet, and people’, business consultants continue to make sure that profit-maximizing corporations make necessary efforts to protect environmental sustainability and social harmony.
Keywords: human rights, development, North-South, norms, global political economy