
Muhamad Arif, M.Sc.


Arif has been a non-permanent lecturer at the Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia since 2016, co-teaching several courses such as Revolution in Military Affairs, Evolution of Strategic Thought, Indonesian Defence Strategy, Great Power Politics, and International Security Institutions. Arif’s research focuses on the intersection between domestic politics and foreign policy, maritime security, and strategic culture. His works have appeared in the Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs, Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, Melbourne Asia Review, and the Indonesian Quarterly. Arif received his MSc in Strategic Studies from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore, and bachelor degree from the Department of International Relations, Universitas Indonesia.

  • International Security
  • Maritime Strategy
  • Indonesian Strategic Culture
  • Indonesian Maritime Strategy
  • Regional Security
  • Technology and War